Achieve ‘Home’ the Wabi Sabi Way

In-sight, is needed to transform a house to a home filled with calm. Not skill, not a thing; but the in-sight of Wabi Sabi can lead us to a different ‘way’ of living surrounded by simplicity and natural beauty. The Tea Ceremony ritual as practiced daily for centuries with friends and family in the East, […]

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 Relax, Reflect, Restore

“Birds that live on a golden mountain reflect the color of gold.” Tibetan proverb As we begin the Winter Solstice, this is the perfect time of year to RELAX, from the constant stresses that zap our energy, REFLECT, with gratitude, on the past yearly cycle, RESTORE, our inner being through the gifts of nature. We […]

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 5 Feng Shui Tips To Improve Children’s Sleep

We often talk about adult sleep problems, but how can we enhance children’s environments to promote better sleep patterns for them? My clients are often confused by mixed messages about decorating children’s rooms. I explain that the primary goal of a child’s bedroom is to promote health and vitality in the form of restful sleep. […]

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