2022 Feng Shui Strategies for Wellness

Feng Shui is about

healthy homes for happy people.


Transformation for emotional and physical stability starts in the home.

2020 and 2021 were difficult years both mentally and physically. What will happen in 2022 is uncertain; therefore, the New Year Resolution strategies we adapt are critical to respond to COVID anxieties and fears with positive inspiration, commitment and focus.


 CEOs in large organizations are busy creating strategies to make improvements over the past year. Similarly…

MOMS, you are the CEOs and role models for your



Determine your New Year Strategies for 2022




  1. BRAINSTORM: with entire household; what went well in the past to contribute to everyone’s well-being. What did not go so well and acknowledge why.
  2. PRIORITIZE: your 3 top goals that are in harmony with your values
  3. PLAN with specifics; dates, times, a buddy
  4. BENCHMARKS: set weekly, monthly, quarterly goals to measure and celebrate each small achievement
  5. ADJUST, RE-FRAME: analyze your patterns, note the obstacles, observe how you feel, and change what you can control


5 Tips to Achieve a Healthy Priority




During COVID, just about everyone had too much on their plate (stress from change in kids’ school activities, work at home schedules in crowded spaces, conflicts in relationships, no individual alone time, etc. etc.).

And literally, most of us were putting too much food on our plates (to comfort the body from all the emotional stress). Now, doctors are concerned about the rise of pre-diabetes as just one of the side effects of COVID.

Putting more FRESH, BRIGHT, and FUN into the Feng Shui of your home may shift the entire ambience!




When we are depressed, moody, tired, angry (all YIN), it is helpful to consider the YANG solutions. #1 is light. Study, work, and play in areas where there is ample sunshine streaming in from windows. Exposure from the South or East is the most energizing. Open the curtains and blinds. Think about replacing light-bulbs with the right color temperature in addition to the right wattage. Paint is cheap, and an easy way to provide a quick uplift with something BRIGHT and colorful -YANG as opposed to gray and beige-YIN.



Many people have put off annual health check-ups the past 2 years. As we go into the 3rdyear of COVID, it may be wise to at least complete your blood work to ‘prevent’ auto-immune issues, pre-diabetes, heart/stroke issues caused by stress, etc. Like the color of your walls, the colors of the food on your plate are also important. WHITE, represents sugar and all the foods that affect your sugar levels; therefore, consider minimizing ‘white’ rice, bread, potatoes, pasta, desserts, etc. Instead, GO for the BRIGHT colors of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and meat, poultry, and fish that also eat the red, yellow, purple, green, orange colors.


It is also a great time to ‘let go’ of all the processed, toxic food that has become an addiction. Ring in the New Year with the repeated habit of eating FRESH and BRIGHT for healthy bodies, radiant skin and hair, and perky dispositions.



Normally for sleep, bedrooms are best located in areas with little sunlight. However, many people are working or studying in these rooms during COVID. Thus, follow #1 regarding light. Work and study is best done sitting in an upright position so your energy is able to flow unimpeded through the spine. Therefore, if you have taken to lying in bed to work/ study during COVID, you may want to adjust this posture. A proper ergonomic chair at your desk also helps to maintain a healthy spine.


Clutter is a distraction for the brain to work optimally.  A room doesn’t have to be perfect, but having ‘order’ helps us reduce the overwhelming stimulation/chaos already created by media, digital devices and cell phones.

Pre-COVID, the #1 health problem in the West was the lack of sleep due to stress. COVID is increasing our emotional stress at a time when we need to be calm and peaceful; therefore, the time-tested solutions  for improved sleep are even more important to commit to – healthy food, daily movement, order in the environment, and work-life balance.



Every company operates within budget constraints and must think long term. Many consumers think that eating fresh food is more expensive than eating the processed food filled with toxic, addictive additives. Moms may want to do a cost analysis of how much they spend short-term on doctors’ visits and medications vs. buying fresh food. And long-term, the cost of chronic illness these days is over-the top. Abundance begins with radiant health.



We all have the same 24 hours each day. COVID has prompted many people to re-evaluate their life in terms of their values and more leisure time for simple activities. Is it the moment to carve out time that inspires playfulness, connection with others, and results in the total engagement that happens with flow? We cannot control COVID, but we can control how we respond to it.


GO with FRESH, BRIGHT, AND FUN in 2022.


New Year Resolution strategies are not always easy to maintain.

Please contact me at nadine@nadineoei.com for help.

‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’ Lao Tzu

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