How does the HOME set conditions for finding balance in your life?

Healthy Green Environments

It is all about the choices we make to bring BALANCE to our life



Through scientific research, we now know that out thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and physical reactions are all interconnected. Change in one of the areas will affect all of the other parts, in either beneficial or adverse ways, as a chain reaction.


This is #1 in  the series – Cultivating Emotional Balance in the Home

starting with…Responsibility


AWARENESS, is the first step in bringing about desired growth in life by noticing patterns of how we react to stressful or unpredictable situations which can cause unwanted adverse habits such as anger, anxiety, fear, over-stimulation, grief, etc.

ASK: which emotion is holding me back the most and creating discomfort? What could be the short term and long term benefits if I do the work to change it now?

ENVIRONMENTAL surroundings set the conditions for how our mind, body, and emotions react. Notice how some people keep busy, busy, busy in the home when they are worried, as if this keeps the worrying thoughts away. Or, they eat mindlessly to bring comfort…but this can only bring temporary relief. And as a worse case scenario, there is the drug/alcohol addict who returns to the same environment after costly rehab. The same triggers, which may be people, places, or objects, will set the stage for a re-enactment of going down the tunnel again.

A better solution might be to pay attention to our feelings and how they are impacting our body and mind. We may want to shift our focus by following our breath to slow down our thoughts and gain clarity. Then sit in your favorite spot with a cup of warm, calming tea and a journal to write down the problem and several creative alternative solutions.

ASK: does my home or personal space trigger some of the bad habits I need to change?  What could I do today to bring about a shift in how I react to stressful situations?

BALANCE: is a requirement for a fulfilling life. This includes balance between change and stability, between accepting and resisting, between building strength and accepting weakness, and between rigidity and flexibility. The main balance is between being creative and gaining widely used skills which can be applied in both your inner personal and external  school or professional life vs. being stuck in the same old patterns as a victim.

Self Responsibility

is the Foundation to Building a Significant Life


We all have the tendency to blame others for our circumstances, but the truth is that no one else can make us angry, afraid, worried, etc. No one else can do the work in our chosen profession which will determine our level of significance in the world. Why?

Because it all starts in ‘our’ mind.  We have choices!!! If we don’t practice making wise choices for ourselves, we will always be at the mercy of others. Just as in the animal world, predators can spot the weakest link in the pack a mile away.

BENEFICIAL HABITS are decisions that we make ( like deciding to study for my work classes in order to be good at what I do) and then taking the responsibility daily to manage what needs to be done.

CONSEQUENCES of ADVERSE HABITS crop up when we do not take responsibility to manage our habits daily. The adverse habits which could sabotage our best efforts may be procrastination, feeling entitled, and making excuses.

EXCUSES create reasons in our minds for not being responsible for our own lives and we fail to learn from our own mistakes. Excuses put the blame on others which causes individuals to give up their power to create the change needed for growth.

RESILIENCE will be the key to survival in the fast paced, constantly changing 21st century. In his book Resilience, Eric Greitens says, “The more responsibility people take, the more resilient that are likely to be. And the less responsibility people take for their actions, the more likely that life will crush them.”

ASK: what beneficial habits could I create if I take more responsibility for my decisions?

How can I be more responsible about making my Home environment more supportive to help me reduce the adverse triggers?  And most importantly, what actions must I take daily to manage my decision?


‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’   Lao Tzu


Call Nadine at 510-525-1116 to help you create a supportive home environment

to cultivate the emotional balance you desire for your well-being.

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