How Wabi Sabi Can Influence The Perfectionist

Raku pottery selected for its' flaws, uniqueness, and simple beauty

Raku pottery selected for its’ flaws, uniqueness, and simple beauty

Wabi Sabi demonstates that nothing in life is perfect! The Japanese poet, Basho reminds us, “Try too hard and wabi sabi is gone; if it is manipulated it feels contrived; if it is forced, it looks cheap.

No one can take a morning-glory that is stretched across a garden path and arrange it around an arbor in a way that looks natural.”

Why, then, do we try so hard to be perfectionists today in our home, at work, and in our relationships?

In a world of mass-production, we have simply forgotten our natural roots that celebrate the richness of age, the charm of character, the importance of imperfection and the reality of nothing ever being finished.

Does everything have to be a Masterpiece; the perfect report, the perfect book, the perfect house, the perfect person, the perfect gift? At age 10, my grand-daughter knit a scarf for me. Was it perfect – no. But, I will always cherish it because it was hand-made with love, and it was a big surprise.  That is wabi sabi.

A space is the same. It must be able to breathe, evolve, and  express authentic individuality, otherwise it will be just four walls lacking a soul.

Good News. The Latest Space Trend is  Back to Natural

The meaning of wabi sabi evolved over the years, and the Japanese tea masters of the 15th century developed a new style as an alternative to the ornate and ostentatious ceremony in which fancy tea objects were shown off by the wealthy.

The new wabi sabi style fostered in remote natural settings was refined to emphasize a state of receptivity, an appreciation of the understated and an unrefined naturalness.

Currently, there is a movement underway to reject anything that screams big-box.

Instead, there is a craving for whatever is unique, is made from natural materials, and is infused with the vibrancy of a real human being. It says, this fits my personal brand rather than having some big companies’ brand logo on it.

The new intention is that space needs to be casual, relaxed, natural and minimalist, but not OCD perfect. When you are relaxed, the space will be relaxed -then everyone can experience calmness.


A tad of natural; plant, wood, pottery

A tad of natural; plant, wood, pottery

Bring nature in; large plants that breathe, aquariums with live fish balanced with live plants in a natural eco -system, shells, driftwood,  and views of nature. Google is experimenting with this to enhance wellness for the workers.

Think nature in reality: a leave falls. Does someone run and pick it up because it looks messy? No the fallen leaf is part of the beauty and the reason why we enjoy walking in the forest. To be relaxed.

Contact Nadine for a consultation now to increase your mind, body awareness with

wabi sabi and feng shui strategies.





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