Mining for Your Positive Energy

Mining for Positive Energy

Mining for Your Positive Energy


“Energy” is the source of all life.

How is your energy working for you right now?

We must continually mine the areas of our life to determine our most vulnerable energy drains. Once we accept our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual ‘energetic’ blockages, we can then open up a to new paradigm for healing.

The old paradigm was to treat the physical body as a machine to be fixed with drugs and chemicals which addressed  the symptoms -not the root cause.

But, now we know we can take responsibility to heal ourselves naturally. A focused mind and body can positively activate our inner energies to help us go deeper into the real causes of the blockages, the clogged areas, the clutter in all areas of our life!

Then our natural energy can flow again ~ like a young child’s energy.

Why does a child have an abundance of energy – always moving? Why are they so joyous? Why are they so creative? Why are they so open to exploration & ALIVE?

Because they haven’t closed down, and contracted their energy into stress, tightness and pain which lead to chronic illness.

Their hearts are gentle, and their bodies are still able to digest the small amounts of food, and information they take in.

Young minds are full of happiness, generosity, empathy, and love. They have not grown attached to all the negative emotions adults absorb in today’s fast paced life; fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and over excitement.

Today’s biggest complaint is, “I don’t have enough time or energy. I am always tired”.

The good news is that we have 9 easy choices to increase our vitality.

Apply the 10% – 75% – 15%  Principle for Vitality

  • Limit PAST energetic memories, stuff in the house, and negative thoughts to 10%. These just evoke rumination of what no longer supports us, and stirs up sadness and possible regrets.
  • Limit FUTURE focus to 15% thus decreasing anxiety of what could happen, and the fear of not being able to live up to expectations.
  • Focus 75% of your energy, and time NOW on what you can do for personal healing – prioritize your wellness.
  • Be childlike; open up your energetic system, and release the old mental stories.  Who cares  about them?  By staying stuck in past history/dramas, we are only limiting ourselves, and draining our valuable energy!
  • Think ALIVE ; eat ALIVE foods and herbs, surround yourself with ALIVE energetic flowers, plants, animals, people, practice moving the energy in your body daily, while also calming your mind to be ALIVE!
  • RELEASE all the stagnant, dead clutter -continually -like brushing your teeth daily before the plague builds up. This can be lifeless ‘stuff ‘ from the past in your HOME, toxic ‘stuff’ or people in your surrounding environment, and unwanted emotional thoughts ‘stuffed’ into your memory.
  • Be in the SUN, the WOODS, the AIR, dig in the EARTH and breath in the negative ions of salt WATER…our universal sources of energy. They are free, and help you experience freedom!
  • Use MINDFULNESS techniques daily to tame the emotions.
  • Practice QIGONG movements daily to release blockages ~ stress & pain, while increasing ‘ Flow ‘.

To learn more about the many benefits of the

new paradigm in contemporary medicine

for mind, body, heart and space,

contact me today.





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