Will You Be the Eagle or the Ant in 2018?


Eagles are the peak killer of the food cycle. They are furnished with tough talons, large feather and also meat cleaver beak. All these types originate from the participant of Accipitridae family members. There are around 60 type of eagle kinds that originate from the submember of Buteoninae and also Circaetinae. This article will absolutely disclose the kinds of eagles that originate from numerous category with their distinctive look. FAMOUS TYPES OF EAGLES IN THE WORLD, Famous eagles, types of

2018 would be the perfect time for all of us to connect with our visionary ‘eagle nature’ to dig deeper into ‘why’ we choose to be victims of; our too busy schedules, the stress relieving shopping sprees, eating binges, clutter, and whatever else triggers our stress overload.

The ant simply keeps its’ head to the ground only paying attention to the surface details and doing the same old thing.


Stress is a physics term, which refers to a pressure, pull or force exerted on one thing or another. Therefore, it is your ‘response’ to the pressure in daily activities that is the problem, not the forces themselves, that determine the outcome.

If you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar.

We get into trouble, when we lose our mental agility and act like a nearsighted ant hiding in the crevices instead of going with the flow, like the eagle, searching wide for many resourceful alternatives.

Agility is cultivated by grounding ourselves and paying attention to our emotions in times of challenge.

This resourcefulness requires preparation ahead of time through daily practices. Then, we can respond skillfully when we are faced with sudden change, disappointments, and unfamiliar circumstances.

Both the body and the mind must be RELAXED to be in an emotionally balanced state of mind.

Slow down and breathe in life enhancing oxygen and release the fear, anxieties, and anger on each exhale.

Instead of shoving these emotions and pain deeper into hiding, befriend them, and use them as messengers to regain your natural energy. Perhaps they are telling you that you are taking on too much!!! Ask for help, or prioritize what is really important, and drop the rest.

Stressed out responses occur when we RESIST the natural flow of whatever is happening.

Resistance is another physics term which suggests the ability to oppose, withstand or go against an action or another person’s wishes. In Buddhist teachings, suffering is described as discomfort multiplied by resistance.

‘Being Open’ allows us to experience ‘insights’ to our thoughts, attitudes and actions. Resistance keeps us stuck, but… it can also be the catalyst for alchemy if we consciously pay attention to what we are resisting and ask ‘why’.


Extreme clutter


and the ‘resistance to restoring’ our space, mind, and body to a feeling of calm and spaciousness …is really a messenger.

The following Feng Shui principle was derived by the Taoists observing the habits of nature:

FLOW with the river of change,

rather than try to grasp at your old moorings.


Flow Like an Eagle in 2018


Let go of your stagnant old ways, thoughts & stuff.

Rejuvenate your relationships, career & health

with vital new energy!


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

Call Nadine at 510-525-1116 to begin your journey.

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